Inquiry and Appointment
Medical History
In order to better advise you
regarding your condition, treatment, and appointment scheduling, we
need to know more about your information. Please answer the
following questions as best as possible and sent it via email to
,and all your information will
remain confidential.
1) What are your name, age,
occupation,contact number and email,city you currently live
in,country you currently live in?
2) What you suffer from one or more of
the following genitourinary inflammation and prostate diseases,
including prostatitis, enlarged prostate,prostate cancer, prostate
blockage, prostate calcification, urethritis, cystitis,
epididymitis, seminal vesiculitis, cervicitis, pelvic inflammatory
disease(PID), and chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS),etc ?
How long have you suffered from
these condition ?
3) What are your symptoms of genitourinary inflammation and prostate
diseases, such as urinary frequency, urgency,
urinary stream hesitancy, dysuria, burning, pain, Itching, and
erectile dysfunction, etc?
How long have you had these symptoms?
4) What you've done physical
examination and testing for
genitourinary inflammation and prostate diseases ? Do you have any related
examination and testing reports? What were
the results?
5) What genitourinary and prostate medications have you taken in
the past and for how long ? What genitourinary and prostate medications are you currently
taking and for how long ?
6) Did you have any Surgery,
radiotherapy, chemotherapy,endocrinotherapy, and other treatment for
your genitourinary inflammation and prostate diseases? What were the treatment effect ? What are
the side effects?
7) Do you suffer from depression ? If
yes, how long have you had depression, what is the severity level of
your depression,are you taking any anti-depression and/or
anti-anxiety medications for your depression ?
8) Please describe your overall health
condition and include any other medical issues that you currently
9) Did your sexual partner ever have
genitourinary diseases ? If yes, please explain in details.
10) Do you plan to accept our
advanced 3D Targeted Therapy to completely treat your
genitourinary inflammation and prostate diseases?
11) 3D Targeted Therapy is divided into two modes: 3D Targeted
Therapy at the clinic, and 3D Targeted Therapy at home. Since Corona
Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has factorsd a global pandemic,
foreign patients cannot come to the 3D Urology Clinic. Currently we
can only provide 3D Targeted Therapy at home.
If you receive 3D Targeted Therapy at home, what's concern you the
most, such as time, cost, treatment effect, and safety, etc.?
12) Would you like a free telephone consultation?
If yes, you can leave your contact telephone number, the city you
live in to determine time zone, and best time to call (morning or
evening). We can arrange a telephone communicaiton. You can also
provide your WhatsApp number to make an appointment.
Contact Us
You can contact the 3D Urology and Prostate Clinic directly for
consultation and appointments by the following ways:
Miss Alisa Wang
3D Urology and Prostate Clinic
3D Precision Medicine Technology Co, Ltd
Tel: 86-186-7321-6429
WhatsApp: + 86 -186-73216429
For clinic information,
prices, medical questions, etc.
Consultation inquires on the subject in general will receive a reply
within a week. Appointment schedule, airport transportation,
assistance to find accommodations, examination and treatment, and
other services will be provided.
of Our
The Xiangtan 3D Urology and
Prostate Clinic
Address - Jin Xiangtan Square Office Building, Shao
Shan Middle Rd., Xiangtan, Hunan, China.
