Prostatic Blockage and Calcification
Blockage and
calcification are indications of unhealthy genitourinary systems,
include prostate blockage and calcification,seminal vesicle blockage
and calcification, epididymis blockage and calcification, and
chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS), etc. The pathogens and
pathogenic factor and toxic compounds hide in the blocked areas, and
they are difficult to detect. Blockage and calcification can cause
severe genitourinary pain and discomfort, prostate disease and
Prostatic Blockage
and Ccalcification
The prostate is a compound renal
tubular alveolar exocrine gland. There are 30-50 acinars in the
prostate and 16-32 small ducts at the back of the urethra. This
structure does not discharge pathological substances well. Once the
pathogens and pathogenic factor and toxic compounds enter the
prostate through different pathways, they will directly damage the
epithelial cells of the prostate and produce pathological cells,
thereby causing prostate congestion and swelling. The acini and
ducts of the prostate gland begin to form blockages, pathological
substances cannot be discharged, and calcification will form in the
blocked area. As time goes by, the prostate begins to develop a
variety of lesions, including infectious lesions, hypertrophic
lesions, and cancerous lesions, leading to enlarged prostate.
The blocked pathological substances include inflammatory factor,
toxic compounds, inflammatory secretions, calcification,
polysaccharide shield and bacterial biofilm.
See the photos below:

The causative
pathogens and pathogenic cells hide in the blocked areas, but when a
patient’s immunity is weak or stimulated by internal or external
factors, their growth and reproduction make the prostate irritated
and enlarged, and compress the surrounding tissues such as the
lymphatic ducts, tiny blood vessels, glandular tubes, nerves, the
posterior urethra, bladder, vas deferens and ejaculatory duct.
Sometimes, the causative pathogens and pathogenic cells and
prostatic endotoxin can spread to the seminal vesicles, spermatic
duct, epididymis, and other areas, which will cause many symptoms.
Examination of
the Prostate Blockage and Calcification Diseased Areas Sites
Using a special
method of digital rectal examination, microscopic analysis, and
trans-rectal ultrasound, our doctors can accurately diagnose the
location and nature of prostatic blockage and ccalcification
diseased areas sites
. The digital rectal examination we allow us to find the problem
areas that are harden and have significant pain from the massage.
And, the ultrasound will reveal inhomogeneous echo and enhanced
optical spots.
Treatment of Prostate Blockage
and Calcification
Prostate blockage and calcification are the main reasons why these
blocked patients is so difficult to completely cure, and why their
prostate disease often relapse. Common prostate treatment drugs do
not penetrate into the prostate well and in high enough
concentration (strength) to be successful by oral and / or systemic
injection. And, as blockage and calcification from there is less
blood flow to the lesions tissue sites, oral and/or systemic
injection common prostate treatment drugs become even less
effective. Also, oral and/or systemic injection common prostate
treatment drugs concentration levels are limited because of the
harmful effects they have on the liver and other organs. Repeated,
prolonged, heavy and/or moderate use of oral and/or IV common
prostate treatment drugs will cause adverse side effects and weaken
the immune system. This will allow the pathogens and pathogenic
cells to become more aggressive and more prostate blockage and
calcification will form. We recommend patients to stop these
"unnecessary" use of common prostate treatment drugs.
Our proprietary 3D natural targeted
extracts can target specific prostatic blockage and calcification
diseased areas and allow effective ingredients to accumulate in the
targeted prostatic diseased areas and form a higher therapeutic
concentration, and it can avoid the side effects and resistance
which are normally brought about by common prostate treatment drugs.
2) The best choice of treatment is our 3D Prostate Targeted
Treatment. This is because a powerful natural targeted extracts
formula combined with a proprietary unblocking formula. Our
unblocking formula safely breaks down the blockage and calcification
allowing the natural targeted extracts to flow into the diseased
areas. As blocked diseased areas respond to the proven proprietary
unblocking formula pathogens and pathogenic cells are killed, and
calcified and toxic compounds are expelled through the urine. The
prostate and immune system is then able to recover.
3) Plan to come for 3D Prostate
Targeted Treatment as soon as possible. Delays in treatment will
allow the blockages and calcifications to spread and make your
condition more complicated. Generally genitourinary system blockages
and calcifications are time dependant. The longer a person is sick
the more the disease progresses; more damage is done to the tissues
and more blockage and calcification form. The disease become more
complicated and will take longer to cure.
Discharge of Prostate
Blockage and
Calcification Substances
As the 3D Targeted Treatment
progresses, the patient can observe the release of calcifications
and toxic compounds in the urine, so the treatment effect is real.
Observed will be many different shapes of calcifications and toxic
compounds, such as flocculent residue, cloud like residue,
filamentous residue, powder residue, grainy residue, and so on. The
improvement of the patient’s symptoms are closely related to the
amount of calcifications and toxic compounds released; the more
calcifications and toxic compounds released, the faster his
condition improves. After the removal of all calcifications and
toxic compounds, patient's symptoms usually improve significantly
and disappear over time; the diseased areas return to normal, and
the patient recover.
See the photos below.