Lins from NZ
I am Lins
and I have just finished a six week course of treatment with Dr.
Song at the 3D Urology Clinic in Xangtan. I am a company director
and have been self employed for most of my working like except for
stints in a multi-national related to bioscience and contract work
in the bio pharmaceutical field. I have been an active sports person
and a keen traveller with a sense for intrepid adventures. As well
as an avid fan of NZ backcountry activity I have made long haul
trekking sojourns, in the Himalayan, Karakouram and Hindu Kush
Mountain Ranges. I am in my early sixties
2012 I noticed a significant change in my health. Motivation, drive
and energy all seemed to “go out the window” and I struggled to make
the work day go beyond mid- afternoon. I experienced significant
sleep interruption ( what seemed like niggling bladder tension in
addition to toilet trips) ,aching joints, back pain, lack of focus,
and sometimes even a lack of purpose, coupled with a sense of doubt
regarding my self worth. I never realized at the time the true
effect my condition had on family, relationships and productivity. I
had always been proud of my health and fitness but now it seemed I
was on an unbelievable one-way slide to deterioration.
pestered me to get a rectal exam and PSA test. With regular PSA
readings ranging from 9-12, I opted for “watchful waiting” believing
that I could figure out a way to self-medicate but later with
increasingly persistent prostate discomfort especially on sitting
and pressure pain on one side of the gland some decisions had to be
made. Subsequent biopsy and MRI revealed a tumour that seemed to be
very hard, and occupying a significant portion of the entire 45 cm3
plus gland. I was under pressure to set a date for surgical removal.
By now the tumour was pushing up against the prostate capsule
causing significant pressure pain and the PSA readings were moving
up to 20.
Until now
I had tried a number of oral herbals, various teas, super
antioxidants, detoxification, other techniques, and even electo-
magnet therapy( PEMT). I could reduce the PSA by 25%, the prostate
volume by a little over approximately 15%. This would significantly
relive discomfort and reduce nocturnal toilet trips to one early in
the morning, but this relief seemed symptomatic only and somewhat
temporary. (I was later to find out from Dr Song and Dr Ivan at the
3D Urology Clinic in China that the prostate surface softness is
very critical. It seems some substances will reduce the prostate
size but create a hardened tissue surface or hard wrinkles that
greatly impair organ function.)
I was
very determined to avoid surgical removal and further research lead
my wife finding Dr Songs 3D Urology Clinic website.
The 3D
From the
website I made contact with Alisa Wang the Clinic Administrator and
Interpreter. Promptly she had the clinic review my clinical notes
and sent back to me the required documentation to enable application
for a visa. I would suggest a 90 day visa. Its timely to mention
here that the reason I committed a visit to the 3D Clinic was that I
had in the past a number of professional acquaintances who were
specialists in pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacognosy and
biopharmaceutical manufacturing so I was aware of the significant
documented benefits of co administration of east/west medical
products in cancer treatment. In addition to this the 3D Clinic
website described a methodology that seemed a fresh approach and
entirely logical.
arrangements, arrival, hotel bookings and pickup were all easily
managed by Alisa. The whole process was very smooth. On arrival in
Xiangtan and soon after checking into the Hotel that was opposite
the Clinic building I accepted the offer to meet Dr Song and Dr Ivan
that afternoon at the clinic. There was a thorough consultation and
discussion of my prostate history with Dr Song, Dr Ivan and Alisa
present. Communication was not a problem and I was surprised that
whole atmosphere was very patient friendly. There was later a
thorough DRE and prostate fluid collection to be examined by the in
house lab. Before leaving that consultation I could view on the
computer, microscope slide samples of specific pathogens that had
infected my prostate.
extensive blood samples were taken at a nearby university hospital
to quantitatively determine specific virus, mycoplasma, bacteria,
parasites, and hormones in addition to ultrasonography on the
prostate region. This is used by the clinic to individualize your
treatment and more importantly allow Dr Song and his team to treat
the real cause of your condition.
After 3
days of targeted injections via the perineum into each lobe of the
prostate the pressure pain and discomfort was almost absent and by
the end of the sixth day absent altogether. In short after 6 week of
treatment of injections, intravenous drip and oral Chinese herbal
medicine Dr Song and the Clinic were able to break up and discharge
a very hard and large tumour that may have existed for over five
years. My collected urine samples showed extensive discharged
flocculation and sediment comprising of dead bacterial, tumour and
fibrous material.

MRI scans had shown that the prostate size had
returned to normal, prostate morphology was normalizing and a DRE
also revealed that the once hard prostate was now soft and much
smaller. I was delighted with a successful treatment and it all
seemed unbelievable!
reflection of this journey to treat my cancer I realized that Dr
Song and his team have a very smart approach to“treat the cause of
disease”and I sensed a strong desire from the clinic to produce a
real solution for each patient. The 3D Urology Clinic I felt uses a
unique treatment methodology that synergises with the natural
structure and function of the body, coupled with extensive
experience in diverse types of prostate disease, and a close
understanding of the pharmacology of co administration of specific
east/west medications. The treatment regime is such that precise
individualization for each patient is possible.
entire treatment process was always very professional yet relaxed.
At no time did I feel any hint of arrogance and the staff would
always attentively listen to you. As a result of the daily
consultations I became very knowledgeable about prostate anatomy and
my condition. Dr song and Dr Ivan were very forthcoming about all
aspects of my condition and how to heal smoothly, including diet,
help with local foods, exercises, and lifestyle changes all helping
to accelerate healing and strengthen immunity. The treatment process
was very much a partnership and I found keeping a daily diary of
diet, urine, stool, prostate feeling, general feeling and energy
level was essential to feedback to Dr Song to allow for precise and
effective treatment.
I have to
say I was very impressed with not only the personal skill of Dr Song
and Dr Ivan but the entire clinic. Needle insertion for IV drip
medication was the most comfortable I had ever experienced. The
clinic is clean and comfortable and has a sense of a “family”
atmosphere and you are welcomed to talk to other patents, drink nice
teas, and plug into the Wifi.
At all times during my stay in Xiangtan I found the local people to
be very polite, pround, happy and helpful and the local environment
lends itself to easy living and good recovery for patients.
I feel I
have been so lucky to experience quality, honest treatment that is
sincerely delivered by a team that is not only positioned at the
leading edge of prostate treatment but through dedication and effort
pushing the boundary to further improve patient outcomes. I have to
thank Dr. Song for his vision and the clinic team for their focused
The whole
prostate journey that I have been through and perhaps others who
experience Dr. Song and his 3D Urology Clinic I think is best summed
up by the following proverb. “Vision without action is a day dream.
Action without vision is a nightmare”.
November 2018 - Update
one and a half years after treatment
Currently I find that over all health is good, sleep most nights
with one urination at 6:00am, some nights no urination. .Libdo is
good, energy is good. ,There is no pressure pain or any groin
feeling of “ blockage”, no back pain. In essence, I feel better than
I have for over 5 years.
I had the last DRE 8th Nov 2017 “ Normal tone,smooth prostate felt
which is non -tender” Currently through self examination, the gland
is soft and small.
John Kennedy from USA
My name is John Kennedy, Ph.D., I am a patient of Dr. Song, and this
is my six-month update after receiving cancer and BPH treatment from
Dr. Song. My recovery is going “very” well. My prostate is now
cancer free, and my genitourinary functions (urine flow, erection,
ejaculation, and semen volume) and bowel movements are returning to
normal. The cancer lesion and BPH nodules are undetectable per my
6-month follow-up MRI of 07-01-2017. The six-month test results are
very good. There is no indication of cancer, BPH, calcification or
infection, and my prostate volume is normal. I expect I will
continue to make a full recovery.
To sum up my prostate test results, my 1st MRI of 09-10-2016, before
treatment, detected a BPH nodule 15 X 11 X 14mm in the peripheral
area to the left side. And, a bleeding cancerous lesion 16 X 10mm
near the center right. The cancerous lesion was infected with
Enterococcus faecalis bacteria. Microscopic examination of expressed
prostate fluid (EPS) indicated cancer cells and damaged prostate
tissue. After initial testing, we began treatment. During treatment,
large amounts of cancer cells and damaged tissue were detected in my
EPS. My semen/prostate fluid color turned brown, which indicated the
breakup of the infected lesion, nodules, and release of toxins.
After five weeks of cancer and BPH treatment, my 2nd and 3rd MRIs
showed no cancerous lesions or BPH nodules. Specifically, my 2nd MRI
report states "when compared to the MRI report done on Sept. 10,
2016, bleeding lesion on the right peripheral area has been
basically absorbed or disappeared." There were still toxins inside
the prostate as seen in the microscopic examination of the prostate
fluid. My semen was dark brown. The dark color was caused by years
of bacteria, old blood, and toxins held inside the bleeding cancer
lesion. These toxins were released when the lesion was broken up and
cancer killed. I continued to receive another week of cancer/BPH
treatment for a totally of 6 weeks to ensure the cancer was killed,
and the BPH and toxins cleared.
My 4th MRI report six months after receiving treatment indicated no
cancerous lesion, no BPH nodules, and no relapse. My semen and
prostate fluid showed no signs of infection with color returning to
normal. Symptom wise, my urination, erection, ejaculation, semen
volume, and bowel movements continue to improve. I can feel the
cancerous lesion and BPH are gone. Dr. Song thinks there are no
active cancer cells.
My endocrine system is still somewhat out of balance, but moving
toward a normal state. Before treatment, my hormones were
significantly out of balance. Dr. Song believes, as it relates to
prostate issues, hormones become out of balance as a result of
infection, PBH, and cancer (unhealthy body condition), which can
promote cancer cell growth. Thus, I believe it is important to
rebalance my hormones after my treatment. Dr. Song has been working
with me to improve my endocrine system with Traditional Chinese
Medicine. A process which takes more time, but I think is safe and
I am very happy with Dr. Song’s prostate cancer, BPH, and infection
treatment. I think this treatment is the best in the world. This
cancer treatment is without radiation or chemotherapy drugs. My
prostate remains fully intact, functional, and my health continues
to improve. If you are interested in speaking with me,
please contact the 3D Prostate Treatment Clinic. They will forward
my contact information to you. My most sincere hope is, this
information helps you.
Best regards,
Dr. John Kennedy
Contact way:
jkennedy1004@gmail.com .
Video Link:
Updated in May 2019:
2 years after the end of 3D treatment, the patient's tumor has
completely disappeared through a comprehensive review.
Mr. Tom
from USA
My name
is Tom, and I am 67 years old from the United States. Three years
prior to 2017, I started to experience a slight slower stream when
urinating. I thought older age was the reason. As years passed, I
began to have more frequency and pain. I wanted to see my urologist
whom performed an exam and MRI which showed two lesions and enlarged
prostate cancer. He wanted to perform a biopsy which I refused to
see what other options I had. I spoke to my son and he told me about
Dr. Song at the 3D Urology Clinic in China. In early December 2017,
my son and I went to see Dr. Song’s clinic and had all testing which
confirmed I have had prostate cancer. After 5 weeks of treatment
without chemo, radiation, or biopsy, I returned home. The following
year, I returned to the clinic and had repeated testing that showed
NO tumors, prostate normal and no sign of cancer. I’m very grateful
to my son Albert for support and getting me to Dr. Song’s Clinic. He
is very knowledgeable and caring with the wonderful staff. Need help
for any prostate problems, don’t hesitate to contact the clinic.
Updated in May 2019: One and a half years after the end of 3D
treatment, the patient's tumor has completely disappeared through a
comprehensive review.
John William Hellar from USA
My name is William
Hellar. I am a 75 year old American citizen. For the last 7 years I
have resided in the central Philippines. I just completed a six week
treatment course for prostate cancer at the 3D Prostate Clinic in
Xiangtan, China.
I want to make it clear
that I write this of my own free will. No one has told me what or
what not to write. My only motivation is to be of service to other
men who may be struggling with the decision of what to do with their
prostate problem. The bottom line for me is I am happy I came and
given all the information I have and the experience I have had here,
I would make the same decision again. It may or may not be right for
When I first arrived, I was carrying an unrealistic expectation. I
have been dealing with prostate cancer for 25 years and I wanted
finality, I wanted to be absolutely healed and I wanted it to be
over. This was unreasonable of me because I knew even before I
arrived, my treatment would not end here. I will be sent home with a
3 month supply of herbs to finish the treatment. For many reasons,
it does not make sense to test myself at this point. For example, a
single digital exam can effect PSA readings. I just completed 36
exams so it is certain that my PSA reading would not be accurate.
Doing an after comparison MRI makes no sense because it will show
tumor remnants or perhaps tumor shadows. It is also too early to
check for viruses because my immune system is still in the process
of dealing with them. Disappointedly, I will have to wait a year
before I know for word certain that I am clear of prostate cancer. I
have many reasons to be optimistic that I will be clear and finished
with the disease. If you choose to read on I will share my history
and what I do know for certain.
56 years ago I had a
chronic prostate infection. The US Marine Corps with its bias
against its own enlisted men simply assumed I had a non-specific
venereal disease and mistreated the infection for more than 4
months. I had a reoccurrence of the infection 54 years ago. I have
reason to believe I have been carrying this infection all this time
in one form or another.
25 years ago my PSA rose
to 7. I made the mistake of agreeing to a 6 core biopsy. The results
were negative for cancer and I thought I was good to go. The problem
is the procedure was painful and I had negative side effects for
several months. There is no doubt the biopsy damaged my prostate.
The urologist never told me that there is a 25% false negative rate
for such biopsies. Had I had that information, I certainly would
have pursued alternative treatments at that early stage. For the
next 20 years I elected watchful waiting with my family doctor. My
PSA slowly rose in small increments to 11.5 during that period. At
each digital exam the doctor proudly told me I had a small very firm
prostate, “the prostate of a 25 year old” he told me. It turns out,
a firm prostate is not a good thing and the doctor never examined my
prostate deeply enough to feel the tumors that were certainly there.
If you choose to be treated by Dr. Song you will understand what I
mean by deeply.
4 years ago, my PSA jumped from 11.5 to 17.4. Although I had no
symptoms of any kind, I panicked and scheduled another biopsy. The
day before the procedure, I had my PSA checked again and it was
14.2. I did not muster the courage to refuse the trans rectal
biopsy. This was my largest mistake. Suddenly, after this 18 core
biopsy, I developed all the classic systems. I enlarged. My sexual
performance crashed. I got inflamed, infected, and I experiences
pain in my prostate. I dribbled, experienced urgency, and frequency
at night. Half the cores were positive. All but one was Gleason 3 to
6. One was serious at Gleason 8. All the Western doctors recommended
surgery. I watched a surgery on U-tube and immediately decided to
not subject myself to that kind of butchery saying nothing of the
risky side effects.
For 4 years I
self-treated. I took Rick Simpson oil, I had cold infrared light
treatments, I took massive doses of vit. D, I made two, month long
trips to India for ayurvedic cleansing, I ate Philippine fruits
which are anti-cancer, I twice did the baking soda protocol, I
modified my diet, and I constantly consumed Vit. B-17 tablets the
whole time. My PSA varied up and down from 14 to 8 for the period.
Ultrasound revealed reducing tumors. During this time my urinary
symptoms were good and bad. I could control the symptoms with a
product called Prostagutt. I thought I was on the right path.
July of 2018, my symptoms
worsened so I decided to return to America to check it out. My PSA
was at an all time high of 21.7. I refused a biopsy and had an MRI.
The MRI revealed a small, 32 cm, prostate that was 70% cancerous.
They said that at 75, I was now too old for surgery and recommended
radiation. I spent countless hours researching the different types
of radiation coming to the conclusion that the probability of
unwanted side effects was a greater risk for me than just letting
prostate cancer take its course. So I was down to eat, drink, be
merry and let it be versus trying Dr. Song. A urologist in America
suggested I take a testosterone blocker called Cassodex for six
month while I was deciding. I accepted a 30 day supply and taking
even that little turned out to be another mistake. He said it would
weaken the cancer cells rendering them more susceptible to
radiation. Dr. Song says it makes the cells smaller and harder to
kill. Even the 30 day supply upset my hormone balance, lowered my
pain threshold and weakened my immune system. I have grown tits, I
have hot flashes, and the weakness allowed a blood infection to
settle into my tits.
I held many fears about the 3D Prostate clinic. Their claimed
success rate was too good to be true. It must be a scam. I can tell
you this. If it is a scam it is the best acting job I have ever
observed. The care displayed and the concern given to my case by Dr.
Song, Dr. Ivan, Nurse Cindy, and Alisa felt way too genuine to be
faked. I thought the price was too high for Asia. As an Aussi
patient shared with me, he would pay double if his cancer got cured.
He asked me, ”what is your life worth?”. I was troubled that there
was no historical data or tracking of previous patients. I could not
get a meaningful answer to what did they mean by success. It came
down to every patient has an impact but what does that mean`? I live
in the Philippines and the culture is certainly different there than
in China. However, there are many similarities. I choose to tell
myself that I had run into a cultural resistance that is adverse to
binary thinking. Their non-specific answers to my questions just did
not line up with my absolutist Western mind. I wondered why there
were not more testimonials especially long term ones. I learned here
and I have learned in the past working in men’s groups that many men
struggle with being open. Some men are embarrassed to have prostate
cancer and do not wish to broadcast the fact to the world. I respect
their choice and honor their want for privacy. Other men fear making
a testimonial because you may be influenced by them to come to
China. If it does not work out for you they would feel partly
responsible. I want to be clear. I am not trying to get you to do
anything you choose not to do. I only present my story. If you
choose to accept treatment from the 3D clinic, the responsibility
for your choice is totally yours, not mine. Finally I reasoned that
if it was all a scam, certainly there would be a flock of men making
posts and warnings all over the internet. Angry men often speak.
In the end, what influenced my decision to come to China was the
logic of the Clinic. It made simple sense to me to look for the
causes of the disease rather than just treat its symptoms. I could
relate to the hypothesis, theory, or speculation that infection and
blockages cause cancer. With my prostate infection history, this
made easy sense to me. The injection of Western antibiotics and
Chinese herbs directly into the prostate seemed like a reasonable
approach to me and also showed a willingness of Dr. Song to use all
the tools available to him rather than sticking to just one dogma.
It also registered with me that the insertion point is not the
I decide to own my fears
and put them in front of me. I called on the adventurer within me,
that part of me that can see distant horizons and is willing to take
risks. I summoned up my wild man, that part of me that can act
outside the box and have fun. He can break down walls to get what he
wants. I asked both of them to gather up my trusting inner little
boy for him to enjoy the journey. All the other patients I have met
here are alternative thinkers and adventurers. They display some or
all the elements I speak of. I judge you have these elements within
you or you would not even be reading this. Then, in control of my
fear, I decided to come to China with the full intent of healing.
That is the history. Let
me say a few words about logistics and some unexpected benefits. The
city is very modern and vibrant. It feels completely safe and the
people are happy and friendly. I have experienced and have heard
from others, countless acts of random kindness from the people. The
food scene here is fabulous if you have even a little bit of eating
adventurer within you. Be sure to arrange to have access to money
while you are here or to pay your bill in advance. I recommend
against staying at the City Comfort Inn because it reeks of
cigarette smoke and is not very clean. The MGM is over prices and a
bit warn. I suggest the Manqi Hotel at just a few dollars a day more
than the City Comfort. It has a nearby location, it is new, and I
would say it is 4.5 stars. If you choose another place, a good guide
is to choose the newest hotel you can find. Be certain to download a
VPN to all your devices before you come or forget about the
internet. Also, download the Google Translator App to your phone. It
is invaluable.
When I arrived, I soon
bonded with the other patients at the clinic. It was a comforting
feeling for me to speak with others that were in a similar boat as
me. I felt heard and supported and it pleased me to offer my support
to them. I did not expect this important benefit. I have made
friends here that will be lifetime friends. I do not recall a period
of my life where I had more laughter. The jokes never stopped. It is
said laughter heals. If that is true, I judge I am healed. My time
here was among the happiest periods of my life. I never would have
predicted that!
This is what I know. When
I arrived they took an ultrasound that absolutely matched the MRI I
had in America. They extracted prostatic fluid and did a culture. I
wonder why the hell no Western doctor had ever done that. In a few
days they reported that I had three different bacterial infection,
two of which could have come from my rectum like E.coli. Remember my
transrectal biopsy, thank you very much. They could have faked this
data but why would they? They tested my blood and found two viruses
and an indication that I had a anaerobic blood infection. My white
blood cell count was more than double what it should be. This is the
infection that settled into my tits. They started the prostate
injections and I was on an anti-viral drip for 15 days. After these
drips I did 7 days of a different drip to deal with the blood
infection. I am still on oral medication and the white blood cell
count is nearly normal. I have been complaining of fatigue for years
to Western doctors and not one of them ever analyzed my blood. It is
A few days after the
anti-viral drip started I notice some amazing changes. Several
months prior I had a bad sunburn on my back that cause pealing. I
had a chronic itch and had to carry a back scratcher to relieve this
intense itch. Dr. Song had told me it was the virus attacking the
weakened skin. The itch just went away. Gone like that. I am 75 and
my face has dropped. I had sagging joules. They are half gone. All
my skin tightened up. My left eyelid drooped so much it interfered
with my sight. I was planning to have the excess eyelid skin
removed. After the drip my eye opened up. My eyesight improved a
little too. As confirmation I read that one of my viruses tends to
settle in the eyes. The other virus effects joints. I have arthritis
in my neck and pain limited my range of motion. Old age says the
West. I am now nearly pain free and my range of motion has increased
by 15%. I have torn ligaments in my shoulder, the ligaments are
detached from the bone and I arrived with a lot of shoulder pain. I
have not regained lost strength but the pain is gone. Early on my
energy level spiked. As the treatments progressed they caused
frequent night urination and it was difficult to get restful sleep
so my energy was impaired. I look forward to increased energy as my
urinary symptoms decline. They say the virus infections are under
control and I have no way to know if this is true at this point.
However, I believe it because of all the changes I have experienced.
Certainly something went on in my body. This I know for certain.
Dr Song said my small
hard prostate was full of large tumors, classification everywhere
causing blockages in the prostatic canals, and scar tissue from the
biopsies. I could feel the firmness when he examined me. The
injections seemed to start at the bottom of the gland and went a
little bit deeper each day. He said early on that the tumors were
shrinking. I had no clue. As he progressed I began to discharge a
lot of material with my urine and I could begin to feel the bottom
of my prostate soften. Today my entire prostate feels like a limp
empty bag with almost no pain. The discharge I experienced included
little chunks of tissue of various colors, long and short filaments
of white and black, blood, old very black blood clots, cloudy dark
urine that coagulated into large white chunks, little black
particles, and white crystals that settled quickly to the bottom.
The discharges varied from day to day from several days with nothing
at all to days with abundant discharge. I often wondered if I had
any prostate left.
As the tumors shrunk he could feel a large hard cyst on my left
side. There is no mistake. I could feel an object without a doubt
when he touched it. He said the cyst had formed around an infection
and was full of puss. Soon after he injected this thing, is when I
began to expel blood clots. I could absolutely feel the cyst
shrinking from day to day each time he touched it. I have no doubt
about this. The cyst is gone and I reason if he can dissolve or
break up such a cyst, he can also dissolve or break up tumors. I
have every reason to believe I will be cancer free within this next
I want to add that each man who was here with me had different
experiences. No two were the same. However, all the men I
encountered here left feeling happy and optimistic. It seems there
are many paths to healing.
I am glad I came and
given all that I knew before and all that I know now I would make
the same choice again.
Video Link:
Richard from UK
Hi, my
name is John Richard. I am 63 years of age. I have worked all my
life in the shipbuilding/repair industry. I was fortunate to retire
by compulsory means in new-build ships for the Royal Navy of about 5
years which meant the section I worked in had little or no work for
that period. My main hobby during my working life was DIY and buying
and selling property which I had renovated. Prior to retirement my
younger brothers and I had owned four properties, three of which we
rented to tenants. After retirement, my last project was a lovely
cottage built circa 1750 which was in a six years to totally
dilapidated state. My brother and I took about six years to rebuild,
adding a two-storey extention and building a very large “barn like”
double and a half garage complex which was sympathetically built to
reflect the age of the original cottage. I have been married to my
Thai wife for ten years- been together for thirteen and she has two
boys age twenty two and eighteen. I have lived full time in Thailand
for seven years and we farm cassava from 122 rai of land presently.
(122 rai~50 acres)
Introduction of the disease history
I had a
hip replacement carried out in February 2017. After my recovery
period, my sexual drive, my libido had diminished rather
dramatically and when I was aroused, I noticed that my erections
were not quite as substantial as previously experienced. I naturally
put it down to the hip operation and the fact that at sixty two I
was starting to “slow down” sexually. In September last year I had
to go to the U.K. to arrange to have my personal effects our cot
shipped out to Thailand as we had put our cottage up for sale after
the last tenants had left. Whilst in the U.K. , I looked up old
friends and had meals and drinks together. One of my best friends,
who looked after my interests in the U.K. whilst I was in Thailand,
was telling me about a “well man clinic” he had attended at his G.P.
surgery. I thought to myself that at age 62, his would be a good
idea for me also. So I arranged through my local G.P. surgery to
have a blood test at the hospital. This was carried out and I
received a letter from my G.P. asking me to attend an appointment
with him. The results of the blood test showed everything i.e.
liver, kidney, thyroid, bone and blood sugar, cholesterol etc. etc.
were all normal except my PSA reading. Normal 0-4, my reading was 4.
463. He explained to me this could indicate a problem and so he
examined me internally through the rectum to feel my prostate. After
what I found was uncomfortable examination. He explained I had an
enlarged prostate but could not find any lumps or irregularities
about it. I discussed what the next step. He suggested another PSA
test 8 weeks away, I explained that I would return to Thailand by
then and that way not possible. I said that I would have another
test in the hospital where I had my hip replacement. As I was
leaving the country it would no longer his obligation to help me so
I thanked him for his time and left. Eight weeks after my previous
blood test I visited the hospital and had another PSA test. I saw a
urologist and showed him my test results from the UK. The test I had
in Thailand showed my PSA had gone down to 4.34 and it was decided
that I should return in six months for another test. In May this
year, I had another test and my PSA had increased to 10.85! As the
test results were given over the phone at home and not in the
hospital he told my wife I should make an appointment to see him
soon. My immediate reaction was that I was stunned. My wife asked
what it could be and I tried to explain what the implications could
be. The hospital I had my hip-operation and my PSA blood tests was
an excellent hospital but I decided to go to the Bangkok Hospital in
Korat (Thailand’s second bigger city). As I wanted to get the best
treatment/information I could afford. I consulted their urologist
about my problem. I had another PSA test which showed the reading
had dropped to 9.35. However due to my beer drinking habit-my blood
pressure was quite high. His suggestion that I should have a biopsy
on my prostate could only happen once my B.P. had lowered to allow
that to happen. Over the next three weeks through abstaining from
beer, my B.P. had dropped to an acceptable and operable level. I was
booked in for the procedure for June 18th 2018. Whilst awaiting
this, I started to explore the internet about prostate cancer and
anything to do with prostate. There was a mine of information out in
the other but one particular advertisement caught my attention. It
was Dr. Song and his 3D Urology Clinic and treatment. I read through
all the procedures and the testimonies given by previous patients of
the clinic. One thing stuck out to me then, and that was NOT to have
a biopsy! After all the searches and reading about prostatic
procedures I left an impulse that Dr. Song’s 3D Urology Clinic was
my way forward. However my wife said that I should go ahead with
biopsy as I had already booked it! This- I now regretfully- did. I
was given an epidural to freeze my lower half of my body and a 15
needle sample was taken from my prostate. The whole procedure was
over in 30 minutes and I left hospital at 5 P.M. the next day. I had
to wait one week for the results of the pathology department to come
back from Bangkok (the capital). My next consultation with the
urologist confirmed that I had cancer. My immediate reaction was
“How long have I got left”! He explained that my cancer diagnosis
was 3+3 (Gleason Scale) and that it wasn’t advanced. I asked what
the next step might be, he said I could wait six months and have
another biopsy or I could travel to Bangkok and have an operation by
the specialists there. I asked how much the operation might be? He
was sure but it would be more than 500,000 Baht- about GBP12,000
minimum. I said that I would take a few weeks discussing it with my
family and would decide my next step. Over the next few weeks I
weighed up my options 1) To wait and have another biopsy at GBP 2000
again. Why? I know I have cancer already. Delaying treatment could
only exasperate my condition! (I found his option totally
2) To travel to the U.K. and have a medical procedure there, where
it would be free on the National Health Service, but I would perhaps
have to join a waiting list.
3) Have the procedure carried out in Bangkok.
4) Have a non-invasive treatment, no surgery by Dr. Song.
having been warned by the urologist in Korat that the operation’s
side effects could be a) impotence and b) incontinence or Both, I
had already told my wife, with no bravado intended- quite honestly
“I would rather die like a man than live like a baby”. The thought
of wearing adult diapers for the rest of my life was a non-starter.
So within two months of agonizing I booked to attend Dr. Song’s 3D
Urology Clinic.
Treatment Experience and Feeling at the Clinic
I liaised
with ‘Alisa’ via the internet, and having given her my details about
my cancer readings and medical history of my prostate problem, Dr.
Song advised that I should have a five week course of treatment.
I freely admit that the thought of spending 5 weeks away from my
wife, family my six dogs and my home was rather intimidating. I have
to tell you that I have never been fond of hospitals and medical
treatment even visiting family and friends were somewhat of an
unpleasant but necessary ordeal.
However from the moment I arrived at Changsha International Airport,
China and was met by a beaming Alisa holding my name on a A4 paper,
my fears began to subside. It was just over an hour’s drive to the
hotel- Xiangtan City Convenience Inn which incidently is but a two
minute stroll to the building across from the hotel which contains
Dr. Song’s 3D Urology Clinic. My hotel room was very comfortable
which also eased my fears. Next day Alisa met me in the lobby to
take me to a local hospital for an MRI and blood tests. The blood
tests/donations for analysis were no problem. However, my MRI was a
failure owing to me having a Titanium hip. It cast a shadow across
my groin area giving no result. I was then taken to the clinic on
the 8 floor of the building where Dr. Song’s 3D Urology Clinic was
sited. I entered the clinic and was happy to find it did not seem
like a hospital. In fact it was very a relaxed atmosphere I found
myself in. There was a front desk where Alisa and Cindy the clinic’s
nurse worked from. There were some chairs and seats along on wall.
There were two stations where people could sit whilst receiving IV
treatment and of course it was air-conditioner. The next room along
also contained two hospital style beds with IV stands. The third
room contained Dr. Song’s consulting room and a door through to the
treatment room for administering injections. Whilst you can tell
medical procedures there carried out at the clinic, it had a very
informal almost lounge-like atmosphere. I personally could not have
wished for better. The relaxed friendly atmosphere of the clinic
made for easy conversation both with the staff-Dr. Song, Ivan-his
assistant, Alisa-the Ms. ‘fix it’ and Cindy the nurse, and the other
attendees. There were seven of us to begin with having treatment and
to a man we all got along well together, discussing our individual
problems and treatments and congradulating one another when
successful stages of our treatments were for the coming. You could
say it was a bonus to have the atmosphere created by both staff and
patients alike that enhances the clinic.
Evaluation on our doctors and clinic
As I have
said previously, my dislike of hospitals, medical treatment etc. was
completely evaporated at Dr. Song’s clinic. My experience has been
100% positive.
Dr. Song’s injections into the prostate whilst feeling the prostate
(via through pelvic gap) enabled him to target the specific areas
that were intended.
I have to say the first treatment day, where a sample of prostate
fluid was squeezed from my prostate for micro-analysis was somewhat
distressing to me owing to the fact that my prostate was twice the
size that a normal prostate should be. (Ascertained by an ultrasound
examination I forgot to mention earlier- sorry!)
However this only lasted less than a minute to achieve said sample.
My next ‘discomforting moment’ were the two injections administered
by Dr. Song for the first time. Obviously I have had many injections
over the years and was a regular blood donor for a long while.
However having injections into one of the most sensitive areas of
the human body is going to be stressful. I admit the first 3 days
caused me to be anxious before treatment began. However after that,
it started to become less stressful. There was still discomfort
during the procedure but as my treatment has progressed over three
weeks it has become a very minor irritant for less than two minutes
and I am able to walk away with no discomfort.
It was established through all the tests that I had a seven
millimeter tumor and bacterial infection as well as calcification
and pathogens present in my prostate. The two daily injections were
throughout the five week course. After one week I was given 20
containers of Chinese herbal medicine, one to take mixed with 500
mililitres of boiling water every day.
Specifically I was told not to drink my Chinese tea within two hours
of having drunk the medicine. I was also advised at my initial
consultancy, not to drink coffee or alcohol throughout the five week
course of treatment. After two weeks I was started on my IV
treatment which contained three different intravenous drips.
There were administered and checked constantly by Cindy the nurse,
the procedure lasting about two hours per session. These lasted for
fifteen days and were completely painless and stress free. Before
every injection, Dr. Song, Ivan and Alisa (taking notes as well)
would ask after my general health i.e. my sleeping, my bowel and
urination moments, my energy levels etc. So if there were any
questions I needed to ask, they could answer all or any queries. Dr.
Song logged all my comments and appropriate information in my
personal medical notes. After each interview, Dr. Song would keep me
company until he was ready to treat me. Ivan would accompany me into
the room and I would remove my pants or shorts. As said before the
injection procedure only lasts about two minutes and the more you
have the less stressful you become- even blase about it! Once
treatment is over you dress and if you have no further questions you
are at will to do whatever, talk to the other patients or go on your
way. To sum up, very pleased with all procedures bearing in mind. No
medical treatment of this kind can be completely stress free and
without minor discomfort.
Evaluation on China
About 14
years ago, I visited HongKong for four nights. I stayed at a hotel
in Kow Loon. I had a very enjoyable time there. I took a day trip
via the hydra-boil to visit Macau and looked around the old parks
when it was a Portuguese territory as well as visiting one or two
casinos. I found HongKong fascinating and came away with some many
happy memories. Visiting the People’s Republic of China was
something I had no prior knowledge of. I had seen T.V. programs on
China- mainly tourist destinations.
My first impression of China was landing at Changsha International
Airport. To my delight it was not overcrowded and I had passed
through a comprehensive immigration check where they take both hands
finger and thrum prints and your photo. Onto baggage recovery and
out through customs where everybody’s bags are put through an X-ray
machine. Bags collected and into the arrivals hall where I met Alisa
from the 3D Urology Clinic. Everything smooth. After just over an
hour drive, we arrived at the hotel I would be staying in Xiangtan
City Convenience Inn. I paid for one night on arrival. I found the
room very comfortable and modern. I would meet Alisa the next
morning in the lobby to go to a hospital for blood checks and an
MRI. This was my first real look at mainland China. I quickly
noticed there were no other European looking people around I found
some Chinese regarded me as a curiosity as Xiangtan is not on the
tourist map, so I was a bit of a rarity! My blood samples were given
in a quite public area, but efficiently done. We then went to the
building where I was to have my MRI carried out. This was a longer
wait but I eventually had it but it was inconclusive because my
Titanium hip clouded at the groin area. It took me a few days to get
to know my local area. I found a Hyper-mart that sold all the things
I initially needed, T. pot, cup, teaspoon, sharp knife etc. I bought
lots of fresh fruit, walnuts, and yoghurts plus green tea which I
drink a lot at home.
My next searches were the surrounding area shops and parks. I found
a lovely lake park called Yuhu Park within twenty minutes walk from
the hotel where I would spend hours everyday reading and writing in
lovely serene surroundings sometimes interrupted by other people who
were always very friendly even if they could not speak a word of
English, as indeed I could not speak Chinese!
Within two days I had started walking. My first walk was around Yuhu
park and back to the hotel. I was lucky in as much there was a
fellow attendee of the clinic called Dave- 73 years old and a
devoted marathon runner! He told me of one route he had taken and I
decided to copy that one. I bought a pair of walking shoes and many
pairs of socks and I was away every morning, at the beginning doing
about 10 kms- about 1hour 45 minutes. I then after about a week,
increased it to 12 kms- about 2 hrs, and do the same route everyday
before breakfast. You gradually get to know many other people out
exercising daily and I am on Hello and Good morning terms with many
Chinese people! When shopping I use a quasi-sign language and I get
the person to write their price on paper if it is not labeled
already. I can honestly say I have had no negative experiences
whatsoever. In fact it has been really enjoyable, contrary to what I
may have been expecting beforehand. I would definitely come to China
again but hopefully, depending on my successful treatment as a
Anything you want to say
To sum
up, my experience of being an attendee of Dr. Song’s 3D Urology
Clinic and my general feelings about the complete experience of my
time here.
I can absolutely confirm that I would recommend anybody facing a
similar medical predicament such as I was facing before coming here,
to Not have a biopsy but to have an MRI (if you do not have a
replacement hip(s))or and an ultrasound of your prostate to confirm
your prostate condition first. Then contact the 3D Urology Clinic
via email and give them the results and any medical history to do
with your prostate.
Then await what Dr. Song has to diagnose and consider his synopsis
and course of treatment that you would expect to have to help/cure
your individual problem. Whilst I have been attending the clinic I
have had the pleasure of knowing six other people with prostate
problems. All of us had different problems. No two of us were
similar, although a lot of the treatment has been similar for some
of us. You are in fact individually targeted with the injections
depending on the size of tumors. The Chinese herbal medicines
whether antibiotic or anti-cancer can be given in different amounts
and times again depending on your condition.
I can
only say I have been 100% satisfied with the care and attention I
have received and as a bonus, the fellow attendees have all to a
man, been supportive of each other and informative about many
aspects of prostate cancer and diet, exercises etc. We have been
like a small friendly self-help group!
Updated in May 2019: Half a year after the end of 3D treatment,
the patient's tumor has completely disappeared through a
comprehensive review.
John Doe from USA
To Whom
it May Concern,
I am
writing this testimonial about the 3D Urological Clinic to express
my deep appreciation for the effective treatment I have received. In
life there comes a time when there are no guarantees and it is
necessary to take a chance to avoid surgery and radiation treatment
for prostate cancer. My particular case of prostate cancer had an
early spread to the left seminal vesicle and local pelvic lymph node
and Dr Song was able to treat my case effectively. I had several
small tumors that dissolved very quickly and one large tumor 13mm x
11mm that shrunk 90% by the end of my six-week treatment session. I
have had prostate cancer for approximately 20 years and my
particular type of cancer tissue was very hard, and Dr Song did tell
me in advance from my initial physical assessment that he may not be
able to eliminate the entire large tumor within the first six weeks,
and that I may need a follow up session in six months to completely
destroy the last remaining part of it.
I must
say I felt very comfortable with Dr Song and I consider him very
dedicated to the treatment of prostate cancer. Everybody’s case is
different, but if you are looking for an option to attack only the
prostate cancer tumors and cells then consider the 3D Urology clinic
for treatment. I am not writing this statement in a vacuum, because
I am a witness to have seen four patients that was treated
consecutively before me from all around the world, one from
Australia, two from Canada, and one from the Philippines that
received positive results from Dr Song based on what they personally
told me from their experience at the 3D Urological Clinic.
sooner you seek treatment the better your chances are for success,
and I recommend that you research Chinese herb medicine extracts
compounds for anti-cancer potential and you will see that there is a
long history of fighting cancers with this method in Chinese herbal
medicine extracts for a very long time. If you have any concerns
about the injection process it does have some discomfort that is
tolerable early in the beginning of treatments, but it is bearable
and gets easier as you go through the process.
John Doe
Obermiere from Canada
My name
is Neil Obermiere, and I come from South New Brauswich, Canada. May,
2018, I was diagnosed as the cancer of prostate, and I went through
all food tests, and my PSA was 10.49 jumped 2 points one year, so I
went to get the biopsy, the biopsy showed I have had cancer, that is
the biggest mistake ever since to do a biopsy, because my tumor and
cancer start to be burning very quickly, very uncomfortable. Online
I started to do a research and I found this clinic, 3D Clinic, and
started to talk to Alisa, and over November, that is the best thing
I did –treatment is done everything for me. And the staff is 100%,
they look after everything you need, they look after and communicate
where you are in, and you have nothing to worry about, the people
are friendly and easy to get along. The hotel is good, the food is
good, and the treatment is good. I had 16 by 11 mm tumor, and 2
tumors, one is gone totally, and the other shrank very down in the
prostate back down to the normal. Mine has no side effect, I can sit
down, no hurt, he has done everything, he said he has my viruses and
I have other things wrong in my body, and he fixes them. I totally
recommend this place, it is the best place in the world to be.
Anything you need, or any information, I am happy and glad to help
you out, all you need to do is to email me or call me, I am glad to
get back to you, and this is the best thing I ever did. Thank you!
from Canada
the last day to this clinic, so I hope this little story helps you
as much as it helps me. I tell you a little bit about my situation
and other things, perhaps it is helpful. I had a blood test a few
months ago which should have a high PSA level. And I knew this
problem existed for some time, because I had the problems of sitting
a little back penis one and anyway something with this. And a few
weeks after this blood test, I have been to China for business and I
stopped by the Dr. Song’s Clinic. And the MRI has confirmed I have a
large tumor in the prostate, so I stick to the 5 weeks for treatment
which seem like 5 days’ treatment is very smooth. The clinic is
located in Xiangtan, China which is a very one friendly place for
its friendly people is very easy to be. And China is a very good to
and easy culture to get along. The treatment proved my condition
very quickly, and I feel much better and have more energy in these
few days. And I have a good future evaluation for early, and I have
had no previous biopsies engaged in kind, so the treatment
progresses very smooth and very quick to respond, so it’s good. I am
at the clinic at the same time with 7 other men from Australia,
Philippines, USA, and others. That’s good experience. And we have
much chance to interact and discuss the issue that we are having, so
I have learnt a lot about prostate, so busy place! Dr. Song is a
very professional and extremely noticeable in this area. Each
patient has got cured understanding their particular problem and
answers to the problems with explanation and therapy. In group, the
prostate is easy to repair, however as I said most of the guys here
have had previous invasions of some kinds of solutions, and the
treatment here is extremely helpful to the gentlemen, so it looks. I
came here with a large tumor was 8mm x 9mm, and now I get through
the last day of treatment, so the doctor says my prostate is alike
Updated in May 2019: Half a year after the end of 3D treatment,
the patient's tumor has completely disappeared through a
comprehensive review.
Dave Alexander from Auckland, NZ
Hi, my name is Dave Alexander, and I am from Auckland, NZ. My age is
59, and in 2016 I was diagnosed as having prostate cancer and my PSA
score was 6 and my Gleason Score was 3+4=7 and my cancer has still
contained in the prostate. After 12 months’ research, I decided that
the treatment here in China was best to me and my family was going
for. The day after I arrived, I met Dr. Song and Dr. Ivan, and I met
these expertise doctors that they maybe here very calculable. And I
felt I have made a personal challenge as well. After the
comprehensive blood tests and my prostate MRI and ultrasound and
consultations, my tests show I have several viruses, pathogens which
can be contributive to my disease and my PSA was not good, 9. Dr.
Song gives me a treatment plan- 15 days’ IV treatment, the daily
local injections to the prostate for 5 weeks and also anti-cancer
capsules. Within 2 weeks, many symptoms have reduced and this gives
me much confidence that I made this decision to come here for
treatment. In my final week, I have to report that my overall energy
level has increased, my BPH has been resolved, my sleep gets better
and no much concern to the toilets during the night, my bladder
holds more urine and the flows speed up. So overall my prostate has
been ingeniously healthy. During 5 weeks in China, it has been
interesting and a good memorable experience. I have done a lot of
walking to help treatment and people I found here are very friendly
and there are a lot of different foods to try. And this is a very
safe place to look around. There are also many other foreigners from
all over the world visiting the clinic and it’s a great time to get
that and have a lot of new friends at the clinic. Alisa Wang is the
interpreter for the clinic, she is also very professional. I’d like
to look at this treatment as an option to see how I can help you.
About the clinic, if there is any question, you may need an answer.
If you would like, you can also contact me through the clinic to get
any information and my experience. And lastly, I feel incredible
gratitude to Dr. Song for his treatment which is far away from my
expectations, and I feel very confident that my lumps get healed.
Thanks to Dr. Song and this Clinic.
John Bradley from
South Carolina, United State
I am John Bradley from South Carolina, United State of America. I am
staying here in China because the journey is flapping to Dr. Song.
It started from 8 years ago returned to my 50s and my PSA spiked.
And my doctor was going to do a biopsy for me and then I made a
mistake there. 8 years later, I was diagnosed as the prostate
cancer. So a friend did the research for the treatment because I
just rejected to the options in the least such as surgery,
radiotherapy, and chemotherapy, all these have side effects and
questions came into my mind. So I came to China six weeks ago and I
met the incredible team from Dr. Song, Dr. Ivan, Alisa and the nurse
Cindy, the whole team here in Xiangtan, a bend of amazing. And my
result is very very positive, so if I were sitting as what you are
sitting right now, what can I know. I came here with 2 tumors, a
small tumor in the left and a large tumor in the right side. 6 weeks
later, the small tumor is gone and the large tumor is 90% gone, the
only remnants are pieces of tissues breaking up as I just look at
them under the microscope. I saw the 1st lab of cancer cells and I
saw after the lab. And they are particles that are coming out of my
body. So I am going home very very happy. Why I have been here, I
felt so strong, I worked out every day, stayed at a beautiful hotel
and actually I lost 25 pounds of weight when I have been here. And
that is amazing, you can be under the cancer treatment and they are
stronger while you are going through the treatment. That just
doesn’t happen in the west, people lose their hair, and they get
sick; so I am encouraging you to do the research. You know every
treatment is different, and if you can find time, of course, they
are rewarding. This is the best place in the world. They inject
directly through perineum into the prostate with natural herbs which
is very safe without side effects. So I tell you what, if you want
to talk to me, you call me or get my email from Alisa. I am happy to
get your call or email the answers any of your questions. I wish you
will have a happy journey here. From John Bradley.
Video Link:
Results- Ball on the 1
-yard line
Journal entry by John Bradley — Oct 8, 2018
Started the day at 9 AM at the large public hospital here. They had
two MRI machines going like clockwork. I didn’t wait more than five
minutes before they had me on the table and in the machine. The
whole thing lasted about 25 minutes. I was getting up off the table
as the next person was being wheeled into the room. They don’t mess
around here because the volume is so high. Can you imagine having an
MRI in America and not waiting? For that matter can you imagine a
doctor's visit every day for six weeks (I had an injection
yesterday, on a Sunday by Dr. Ivan. He came in on his off day
because I am technically going home a day early)? Each visit lasting
at least 15 minutes for detailed questions about your sleep, your
conditions, followed by another 10 to 15 minutes of treatment?
That’s the game plan over here and it works to serve each guy like
he was the only one at the clinic.
About those results? I started with two tumors one small and one
medium (14mm X 17mm). The small one is gone. The large one has been
reduced to “less than 10% of the original size” and counting. This
10% is a remnant that time will take care of - the cancer is dying a
slow and painful death. Good riddance.
Dr. Song says over the next few months the remnants of the large
tumor will completely disappear. There are still two more sets of
injections to go and then that medicine will continue to work in my
body for weeks. Double Bonus Points- he is sending me home with two
months’ worth of herbal rinses that cleanse me of any rogue cancer
cells floating around and boost my immune system at the same time.
Someone is surely asking, "how do you feel about this?" I feel it is
an 8 out of 10. Sure it would have been nice to hear - ALL CLEAR.
But healing takes time, and the cancer was step 2 of the process.
Killing the causes, the pathogens was step 1 and that took 3 weeks!
Doing so eliminated the chance of recurrence. We didn't just treat
the cancer (symptom) we treated the cause.
The larger challenge is the size and condition of the prostate or
BPH. When I got here mine was over 100 cm³ and today he said it
measured at 80 cm³. So there’s progress being made. He advised me to
take 8 to 9 months and let nature take it’s course. At some point
next spring I will get it measured and decide if I’m going to come
back for further treatment to recondition this old leather briefcase
that has been left out in the sun and the rain for eight years. I
know it is much improved, I had a 2 1/2 hour nap on Saturday,
unprecedented over the last 5 years due to frequency of urination.
Bottom line: the cancer has been all but wiped out. The medicine
inside will continue to work and in a few more weeks and months
cancer should be undetectable.
So the ball is on the 1 yard line and I will put it in the end zone
with a final MRI right before the end of the year.
Wonder what my USA doctor will say when he watches that movie?
Journal entry by John Bradley — Oct 7, 2018
It’s Sunday morning in America and that is maybe my most favorite
time of the week. Whitney and I like to linger in bed on Sunday
mornings, waiting for the other one to wake up, and then lay there
letting streams of consciousness trip off our tongues as the sun
rises and calls us to the day. This is a precious morning, the only
one where we don’t typically have some place to be or a schedule to
follow. Next Sunday will be one of those mornings.
It’s the homestretch over here. Tomorrow I have an MRI and will
learn the results on Tuesday. I’ve written about how wonderful this
experience has been, and yet I feel like I have failed to capture
the depth of it, nonetheless.
Maybe some numbers will help:
40- days away though certainly not in the desert
1 –room to call home, and it has a terrific view
7- new friends I will look forward to keeping tabs on going forward
via email or WeChat
224- lbs when arrived, 198 this morning
10,504- avg. steps/day or 5.6 miles/day
80- injections through perineum directly into my prostate (Ouch in
Chinese: Aiyo)
385 - total guided meditation minutes. Nearly 10/day
3 - level of ping pong skill achieved, scale of 1 – 5.
17 – straight losses to the 65 year old Sensei in the park
73- vials of herbal medicine toting home
There’s no doubt that tomorrow’s MRI is pivotal in deciding whether
this trip has been effective in fighting cancer inside my prostate.
But regardless of the results, the trip itself has been a wonderful
gift. I had read on some websites, when I was first starting this
journey that other cancer patients called their experience a gift,
something they would not trade back if given the chance. I didn’t
understand that then though I certainly do now. In talking with some
of the guys here and a buddy back in America who is on his own
cancer journey, this is a nearly universally felt sentiment.
I share this unblushingly because if a friend or family member, or
God forbid, you are ever diagnosed, you will all know that there is
a silver lining to that diagnosis. And know too that there are
alternative treatments all around the world that are beating this
threat. My friend in California just got back from the Hoxsey clinic
where he read testimonials of people in their own hand writing going
back over 50 years. These are people who came back to the clinic
years later for routine follow-up, folks that beat late stage
cancers and lived to laugh and tell about it. Not all of them were
survivors, no cure is batting 1.000. But the vast, vast majority
were unmitigated success stories, stories of winning the battle,
living years beyond the doctors' initial estimates with no
recurrence. I am posting a picture in the gallery of one such note,
a legacy patient whose great grandfather, and also grandfather, had
been treated at the clinic. 54 years later she finds herself there
to cure her own cancer.
There have been two similar stories here at the 3-D clinic in
September. I witnessed two of them while I was here. Guys who
arrived with tumors and left with "undetectable" on their radiology
Dr. Song and his staff have been wonderful. The staff at the hotel
have been remarkable. I will miss many of them. But it is time to
come home.
Good, bad or awful I’ll post the results on Tuesday. Jumping on the
plane Wednesday morning, after the last round of injections. Can’t
wait to see or talk with you all over the next few weeks.
The Brotherhood
Journal entry by John Bradley — Sep 29, 2018
Good Morning America, from China! Today's journal entry is being
brought to you by the #4.
Being here for the last 4+ weeks has been a bounty of privileges.
I've chronicled in earlier posts how fortunate I feel to have found
this place, to have a wife who instinctively thinks outside the box,
and a team at work who fully support my 6 weeks away. That team got
a new client this week. Amazing. (And Josh had a son! Can't wait to
hold young Carter.) Just to have the opportunity to go on a medical
journey that is part sabbatical and part adventure is a gift, and
then to have a treatment that leaves me with so much energy that I
work out for 2 hours a day or more, stay in a great hotel for
$48/day, eat interesting food and make new friends. Wow, just wow.
Add to the basket of blessings … the men I have met here. Each one
has an interesting story that I will try to briefly capture below on
4 of them. Each is a seeker, who came from different parts of the
globe to this nondescript clinic in the middle of an indistinct city
in a faraway country because they weren't willing to accept the
conventional medical wisdom of how to treat prostate cancer.
Let me introduce the Brotherhood.
Neil from Australia, 56. One of the most interesting cats I’ve met
in a long, long time. Neil lives in Australia but he builds
gyro-copters in China- it’s his company. www.tagaviation.com.au
These are two-seater copters that can travel a couple hundred miles
and stay aloft four hours. Take off in Greenville and run it down to
Hilton Head. He bought one, German model, about 10 years ago and
decided he could make one stronger and lighter out of titanium, in
short - better. He moved his manufacturing operation to China a
couple years ago. One day in the clinic while we were waiting I
listened to a 10 minute dissertation on the superiority of his
rotors (carbon fiber) over the German rotors, “German garbage”
(aluminum, they crack and thus, have a max life of 800 hours).
Neil has also traveled all over the world… beating cancer. He had
lymphatic cancer and cured that three years ago at a clinic in
Mexico, Hoxsey Biomedical, check it out. The testimonials of Hoxsey
are mind blowing:
When Neil learned he had prostate cancer two years ago he went to
Germany but that treatment didn’t work. Then Israel, where he
learned a lot but wasn't treated. He kept searching, committed to
avoiding surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy, he even refused a
biopsy (which really paid off for him, more on why below). He knew
he had cancer from the PET-CT scan (another reason to avoid a
biopsy) but he wasn’t going to let anybody complicate things with
questionable treatments/highly suspicious outcomes. He kept
searching knowing that prostate cancer was relatively slow growing.
A friend of a friend told him about Dr. Song here in Xiangtan
He started treatment on September 8th, his prostate was 150 cm³,
normal is under 30, and he had two tumors, one on each lobe of the
prostate. After 10 days of treatment he did an MRI. Both tumors were
completely eradicated. I can’t make this stuff up folks,
“undetectable“ was the radiologist's report from the big hospital
Why was his treatment so successful, so quickly? Because he never
had a biopsy that damaged his prostate, created blockages, and thus,
complicated the treatments. He was discharging pathogens the first
night! 10 days- cured. Oh, and his prostate shrank by 1/3. It is now
under 100 and shrinking more over time.
John, from Thailand, 63. John is a retired naval engineer, he worked
on weapons systems for the British Navy. He married a gal from
Thailand to retire there about seven years ago, and runs a 100 acre
farm growing a vegetable that is toxic until it is cooked. Sounds
weird, right? He loves old movies, his garden, birds and beer. John
is a gregarious guy, and he lights the clinic up when he comes in
every day.
Biopsied 4 months ago, elected not to have surgery or radiation because he didn't like the potential side-effects (incontinence, impotence), not to mention the prognosis (75% cure rate, but what about the other 25%??) and found this place using an Internet search "alternative prostate therapy". He is scheduled to be here for five weeks and will leave on the same day I do. John had the biopsy which is the challenge. He is just not flushing out like Neil. The doctor says John is progressing well, nonetheless, and his prostate is softening and the cancer is gone based on the digital rectal exam (finger exam) we get every day. John is continuing to cleanse his system of pathogens on the drip every day, gets the dual injections like the rest of the crew, and will have an MRI soon. He just wants to see more calcification release in his urine but is confident he will soon be cancer free.
Dave, from New Zealand, 73. Dave is a world-class age-group
marathoner. He WON the 70 to 75-year-old class in the 2016 Chicago
Marathon. He has run marathons all over the world: Berlin, Madrid,
London, as well as New York, Boston, LA. This 73-year-old guy gets
up every morning and clicks off 12 to 16 km. For those of you
counting at home that's 8 to 10 miles, 6 days a week. At 73. He's
training now for New York again, in November so he upped it one day
last week to 25 Kilometers = 15 miles. His son runs the company he
began in NZ, a scaffolding supply operation out of Auckland.
Dave came in after me, around September 2nd, and began treatment
with a large tumor taking up nearly the entire space on the right
side of his prostate. This was a MacDaddy tumor, and after four
weeks of treatment he also got an MRI.
“Undetectable”. He will continue treatment for another 10 days to
remove any remaining pathogens and continue to unblock from his
Kev, from Australia, 63, but he looks like he is 50. Kev is a gentle
man, a Carpenter back home. He gets targeted injections every day,
just like the rest of us as he is trying to wipe out several small
tumors inside his prostate. His prostate was not too enlarged but
Kev, like John and Dave also had a biopsy, so his blockages are the
challenge. He came in around September 9th and will get imaging
results next week. The doctor is confident Kev is clear of cancer.
The bigger challenge is undoing the damage caused by the biopsy.
Sound familiar?
This is the Brotherhood. John, Kev, Dave and I went to dinner last
night to celebrate Dave’s great news. As John said at dinner, “I am
as happy for Dave as if it was my own prostate we were celebrating”.
He meant it, and we all felt it. We've met in the clinic every day
and grown to care about each other. Also, when one of us wins, it
validates the process for the rest of us, we feel more hopeful.
That’s it for this morning. Enjoy your Saturday morning, and Go
Clemson! as my gorgeous mother-in-law is surely saying about now as
she tailgates outside Death Valley before the Freshman QB and the
rest of the Tigers take on Syracuse. Both teams are 4-0, only the
4th time in history that two 4-0 teams have met in Clemson.
Missing you all, and letting you know that your phone calls work
just as if I was back in SC. Sounds like I am right next door. Ring
me up anytime to chat, it is exactly a 12 hour swing, ahead. As I
post this journal entry the clock reads 9:37 pm.
Sending good Chinese mojo to you all,
he Wizard is not real. Right?
Journal entry by John Bradley — Sep 22, 2018
Whitney arrived Monday, after a 26 hour journey. She flew this far
to be by my side for a few days before she has to return to a
whirlwind schedule of her own. Man! I am blessed. But you already
know that. It has been great having here here, the guys all wanted
to go to lunch with her to say goodbye after morning clinic today.
As one of them said, there is a dearth of female companionship and
she was a dose of beauty for us all. Check out the photos in the
We all know the story of the Wizard of Oz. Dorothy was looking for a
way home, and she heard there was a Wizard in a distant town that
could give her the secret to getting there. She met some interesting
characters along the way (flying monkeys!), had some twists in the
road that scared her, but eventually she found Oz and the Wizard. He
turned out to be a phony.
We've all been burned, had a "lemon" experience, raised expectations
only to see them dashed, and vowed to make better decisions next
time. These negative experiences condition us to be cautious,
reticent to taking risks, especially in situations that have high
stakes. The "proven" way is the best way, status quo is just that
for a reason(s) and when big decisions are on the line there cannot
be a doubt to the path one chooses. Right?
Perhaps not. One of the good guys said it well: "Never accept
ultimatums, conventional wisdom, or absolutes." Christopher Reeve
(and he has many others) Read more at:www.brainyquote.com
The men I have met here, like Dorothy, are seekers. They are all
looking for answers to a big challenge. They want to get "home"
without side-effects. Each one of them has a story that is worth
chronicling, and I will do that in a future Journal entry, after
Whitney gets back on the plane home. They have come to this
otherwise unremarkable city in the middle of China to find the
Wizard. These men all had a condition or two that could have been
treated with conventional approaches. Approaches that come with
serious side-effects or questionable outcomes. Without bashing
Western Medicine, because there are some great doctors, fine
institutions and amazing results achieved every day in the West in
disciplines like Orthopedics, Obstetrics, even Plastic Surgery (see
Cher)… the field of Oncology is just not one of those disciplines.
Side bar: My Dad's long-time partner, Gwyn, will tell you that her
first husband Jack suffered terribly for years while fighting cancer
in the 90's, and if she had it to do over again, they both would
have refused the Chemotherapy and Radiation, each of which destroy
healthy tissue while delivering highly questionable outcomes. We
will someday look back on the treatment of cancer using Radiation
and/or Chemotherapy as primitive, nay, medieval. When the West gets
it figured out, harnessing the body to heal itself, they will have
caught up to the East. But I digress.
We've all come to find the Wizard, Dr. Song.
Let me use the words of a fellow that just finished his 4th round of
treatments (it only took one to cure his cancer) to describe this
remarkable Doc. Ratan is a business man and finance professor, it is
only a couple short flights to this city from his home in Northern
India. Dr. Song cured him of Prostate cancer in 2014. Rattan has
been back thrice more for follow up treatments for Epididymitis, and
infection of the Vas Deferens that can be very painful (like a
woman's urinary tract infection), and very difficult to cure due to
the low blood supply in these areas.
Ratan and I became friends as we met at the clinic each day; he was
here with his wife, she was receiving anti-virals and herbal
cleanses too. Here is his parting note to me:
Good morning Mr. John!
I am genuinely happy to learn that your health system is responding
to the treatment. So also our fellow brothers who are under
treatment by Dr. Song & his team.
As for me, looking back 4 years hence, I find one of the luckiest,
among the people suffering from this ‘hard walnut to crack ‘ all
over the world, to have found Dr. Song.
Dr Song, a god’s gift to the people suffering from all kinds of
Prostate diseases.
He is so humble, so unassuming yet so humane, so caring, so absorbed
in his works, so dedicated to his profession! (my emphasis).
It’s natural for people to have serious doubts & reservations about
the alternative treatment. So ‘ NO RISK, NO GAIN ‘! I am happy that
I took the risk 4 years back and saved myself from the surgeon ‘s
scalpel ( of my prostate)!
Wishing you 100% recovery of your health.
Ratankumar Khumujam
So who is the Wizard? Hard to say. He is direct, and doesn't dance
around his message. He does laugh, I have seen that. Once, when I
showed him a photo of the guys standing together looking at each
other's discharges (we do that), I told Dr. Song that under any
other circumstances we would be sharing photos of our kids. He
I see him for an interview of 15-20 minutes each day, with his
interpreter, and fellow doctor Ivan (5 years out of med school). I
love Ivan, he is smart and funny and caring. Dr. Song wants to know
details of my nightly experience following treatments. He never
takes a shortcut in his questions. 2nd round of Testing was last
week. It was mixed results. My cancer is undetectable but the
pathogens are proving resilient. He has adjusted my treatment
because the infections are proving more difficult than initially
thought. It is causing the expected constipation and burning, both
of which are mild. Dr. Song told me that the tumors are virtually
gone, he cannot feel them anymore (which I can corroborate myself)
during the daily digital rectal exam prior to the injections (go
look that one up). It is a real party.
For the record, I saw Dr. Song leave the clinic one night after
everyone was finished. I had stayed in the area and just happened to
catch him without his lab coat, walking on the street. The Wizard
was wearing cutoff shorts, an old t-shirt and sandals, hunched over
contemplating perhaps whether common sodium bicarbonate has merit as
a 6% solution in fighting cancer, or some such thought. He had
learned of this theory from a patient I will chronicle in a future
post. He said he was willing to do the research. Imagine that, a guy
who has a track record of curing intractable diseases is willing to
consider a new weapon in his arsenal? Then again, it is how he got
here. Dr. Song was not willing to accept the status quo or
conventional wisdom.
That's enough for today, I promised to keep these to under 10
minutes. There is so much more to share! The stories of the guys
here, Whitney's arrival and our time together on the streets of
Xiangtan…. But I will leave you with this.
Cancer IS curable, now.
If you don't believe this, check out the documentary of the same
title, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0R7K3OhaYLs&t=1937s It is
long, and really kicks in about the 35 minute mark.
And check out the stunning testimonials of the Hoxsey Biomedical
Clinic in Tijuana, Mexico.
Happy seeking, sisters and brothers, let's meet further down the
yellow brick road,
Updated in May 2019:
Half a year after the end of 3D treatment, the patient's tumor has
completely disappeared through a comprehensive review.
Kitzmann from Canada
Hi my
name is Ken Kitzmann from Dawson Creek, British Columbia, Canada I’m
45 years old
VERY, VERY Happy that I followed my heart and came to China for Dr
Songs Various treatments. I’m writing this with 3 days left to go of
my 5 weeks of treatments here.
winter I spent many, many nights watching my father die a slow
miserable death due to the long term affects of prostate cancer
radiation that he had approximately 12 years ago. I know in my heart
if I could have got my father here 12 years ago he would still be
alive today! The long term affects of the radiation caused his blood
vessels to crack and leak blood into his urine approximately 2 years
ago. You want to see something sad watch your dad cry after coming
out of the washroom because he was urinating blood…if that’s what
you want choose radiation. This caused many emergency trips to the
hospital for blocked urine flow, and then led to him wearing a
permanent catheter. The catheter would also plug and require
flushing and emergency trips to the hospital. And then he got a
blood infection, which he overcame with a miracle. He was in the
hospital from Dec 2017 until May 9 2018 when he passed away at 82
years old…he fought very hard. I’ve also had uncles die a slow
miserable death from prostate cancer and its complications…so when I
was diagnosed with prostate cancer at age 39 I knew I was not going
to go down the same path that they chose.
At age 39
I had zero symptoms other than mild urinating frequency. It all
started after I went to a naturopath doctor in Edmonton for live
blood analysis Nov 15 2011 and he found my PSA at 9.5, and some of
my blood cells with irregular shapes, and groups of cells showing
various imbalances that he listed.
This led to my first digital rectal exam which said my prostate was
slightly enlarged and firm. Then a pelvic ultra sound Dec 16 2011
said “the prostate is mildly enlarged with a volume of about 26
cubic centimeters cc. No focal abnormality is identified”
At age
39, Mar 21 2012 I had a trans rectal ultra sound guided biopsy.
Prostate was now 37cc and PSA 10. They used an 18 gauge core needle
and you must sign a consent due to the high infection risk. 8 of 12
cores showed cancer staged at T2a and T1a with a Gleason 3+3=6,
prostatic carcinoma…I cried.
A couple
years previous to my live blood analysis I had a Vega test done in
Edmonton by a naturopath lady with the machine. It showed high
levels of Mercury, Ethylene glycol, crude benzene, Xylene and liver
stress. I grew up on a farm and started working in the oil and gas
industry at age 15 on summer holidays, and did a lot of heavy
partying starting at that age. On the farm we often washed our hands
with leaded gasoline to get black grease off.
My first
alternative treatment I went to Tijuana Mexico for Chelation and
infusional vitamin B17 by IV and intramuscular injections and DMSO.
I made several trips there, the PSA was going down some and the
prostate shrank some. But when my PSA spiked to 12 I got scared, and
in April 2014 I did my first of two HIFU surgeries with a USA doctor
where he did the entire gland both times.
Three months after my April 2014 HIFU surgery my PSA was 0.2, then
every 3 months it went up consistently by 0.2 – 0.3 every 3 months
for the next 4 years. Dec 2017 my PSA was 2.2, my HIFU surgeon
suggested a prostate MRI, when he looked at this MRI he said it was
very suspect for new cancer. I decided to re-do my HIFU surgery
April 24 2018 with the same doctor. With the HIFU imaging he
confirmed there was new cancer in the prostate, he did the entire
prostate again.
My first Hifu I had to wear a sub-pubic catheter 3 weeks. The doctor
said for the second Hifu I should only have to wear it a week…it
ended up being 6 weeks…and I ended up carrying my fathers coffin
wearing it…the same kind of catheter he died with. I was on
anti-biotics for those 6 weeks, and when I had the catheter removed
it was infected, and was then given a different antibiotic for 10
days…which I finished days before arriving in China. When I was
given the 10 days of anti-biotics I was also told to start taking
probiotics which I did and kept doing so for my duration in China.
The catheter got infected even though I followed all recommended
practices, changing sterile dressings daily, using saline spray on
the area, hand sanitizer always, not touching the area, using
alcohol wipes on the drain cap/hose. But my body was under huge
family stress.
After my dad passed away was when I found Dr Songs website, I firmly
believe in my heart my dad helped me find the website from heaven.
Dr Song insisted that I come for his treatment as soon as I got the
catheter out before too much scar tissue formed in the prostate. I
decided to come because my Hifu surgeon could not guarantee my
cancer would not come back a third time, and I did not want it to
spread, and I was very interested in Dr Songs advanced Pathogen
I have worked in Venezuela and Yemen , so I had experienced culture
shock before, but I still had some culture shock in China. When I
arrived there was a lot of haze and I wondered if I would ever see
the sun, but there was many days the haze cleared. I never felt any
breathing issues from the air but you see some people wearing light
masks. During the flight you will see many green areas and many
small agriculture areas between the urban areas. You will often see
a wad similar to chewing tobacco on the sidewalks or stairs, but you
will see people daily sweeping the leaves and garbage off the
The people are very warm and friendly and smile at you often. I
never felt threatened ever walking the streets alone after dark. You
will nightly see groups of ladies gathering in open areas along side
the streets and buildings for group dancing, their music is pleasant
to the ear and not too loud. Never saw anyone intoxicated on the
street either(or anywhere). The ones that know some English are
eager to practice and say “hello how are you”…or “where are you
from”. I forgot my backpack in a taxi one day, and the taxi driver
caught up to me on foot a half block away to give me my backpack
back. Another evening I went into a steak/pizza place a long block
away from the Clinic and they were nearly closed or closed and I
spied pizza slices in the buffet. I had a few slices and some rice
rolls and juice, I was stunned when I went to pay and they would not
take my money. They said “we want you to come back and bring your
friends” talk about a nice gesture.
I stayed in the hotel across the street from the clinic for aprox
$25 US/Day with a free good healthy breakfast …it was so convenient
to be able to walk across the street to the clinic minutes after
taking a shower. The room was very cozy and the bed and 4 pillows
were very comfortable. I did have to get the maid to do some extra
cleaning on the walls etc the first day, but they clean they rooms
daily. The elevator broke down several times, but there is a
stairway, there was always garbage on the stairs…you just have to
look past these things…and know when you leave China you will be
cured. Several Americans that were going to the clinic also stayed
in this hotel and were happy with it. Several bank machines were
nearby and free wifi was in the room. Taxis are very cheap, and you
don’t have to wait long to flag one down along any street. Or if you
prefer buses they are even cheaper yet.
June 18 2018 my first day and blood work and prostate ultra sound(I
never did a trans rectal ultra sound since I had recent surgery)
taken in China(Hifu surgery was April 24 2018). The China blood work
showed my PSA at 0.3, and it also showed Rubella Virus at 21.9
IU/ml. So I said I wanted the 15 day of anti-viral IV as well as the
5 weeks of prostate injections. I told Dr Song that my neck seemed
swollen and that I often have postnasal drip. He is also a
nose/throat specialist. He swabbed my nose, back of throat and after
a prostate massage he swabbed the penis…all three showed
Streptococcus bacteria and he said my tonsils and surrounding
tissues were badly infected. I had a urine culture test done in
Dawson Creek BC days before my trip that shows nothing !!! I got my
first two secret herbal mixture injections into my prostate this
June 21 2018 after I had my prostate injections and was in my room I
caught in my urine measure jug the largest chunk I had seen come
from my prostate since my recent Hifu surgery, it came out almost
like a BB, it was very dark and 20% black in color and I took a pic
to show Dr Song.
June 25 I received my first all herbal injection up into each
nostril, I would continue to get this every second day for 5 days.
The days in between I would get all herbal injections into the
throat on either side of the Adams apple. After the first nose
injection my head felt more clear and after the second I could
breath through the nose much much better. These did not bother me
anymore than a arm injection, just keep your eyes closed, and take
long deep slow breaths and put your mind in a happy place…and don’t
move. June 26 was the first throat injection, after the throat
injection he would rub nice smelling herbal oil on each side of
throat. Jul 3 I received the 4th nose injection, and July 5 I
received the 5th throat injection. The nose throat got a little
better each day, and 7 days after first nose/throat injections my
tonsils were normal again and throat normal. Before I came to China
I had some night sweating by my head, and in China I had the same
thing some nights, after the nose/throat injections this was gone
also. I read online that antibiotics and infection can cause night
For the 5 weeks of daily prostate injections (Sundays no injections)
just focus on one week at a time, the Sunday off is a nice break.
Take long slow breaths and relax, and stare at a spot on the floor.
I try to be slowly exhaling when the needle goes in and take your
mind to the happiest memories of your life and relax your muscles. I
found it no worse than a needle in the arm most of the time.
Even though I just had Hifu prostate surgery Dr Songs highly
experienced, highly sensitive fingers found several nodules in my
prostate. I asked if the Ultra sound I had in China could see the
nodules, Dr Ivan said its very difficult for the Ultra sound to see
the particular areas where my nodules were(near the seminal
vesticles) I found online in a Italian study that Hifu has major
difficulty reaching the anterior of the prostate(I don’t know why
yet)…it did not say which of the two types of Hifu machines it was
referring to…I felt I chose the better Hifu machine the Sonablate.
The anterior of prostate is towards your front. One nodule seemed to
be there and the other 2 near the seminal vesticles.
June 30 2018 after my daily prostate injection and after a great
soup lunch I found in my diaper a large mass that included a large
nodule, I took a couple pics and showed Dr Song the pics. I could
not believe my eyes when I found the mass, I could not believe I
never felt it come out and I could not believe it never blocked my
urine flow. It was 6-8 times larger than the chunk that came out
then the June 21 chunk, the nodule itself was abut 30% black, there
was a lot of grey, some tan and some pink to red tissue color, my
next urine in my measure jug was pink from the blood of it tearing
loose. The urine was normal yellow again in hours. This gob was much
much larger than anything I saw come out from both Hifu
surgeries…almost all of the prostate material from hifu comes out
while you are still wearing the catheter bag.

I really
really really doubt this would have came out had I not came to
China, perhaps it was hanging by a thin chunk of tissue that Hifu
missed. But I believe the daily herbal prostate injections combined
with the daily digital rectal finger twirling really helped knock it
loose thank god and thank you Dr Song! I did have some urine
incontinence after my April 24 2018 Hifu and got by with man pads in
my underwear, part way though my treatments here I had to start
wearing diapers part way through my China treatment…but the
incontinence may have helped that large mass come out as well, Dr
Song feels my incontinence will be temporary and as I type this its
already getting a little better. After my first Hifu it took months
and months and months to get normal erections so I know patience is
a must. And I read online that after a second Hifu the rate of
incontinence is higher. But I suggest bring a good supply of diapers
with you in case you need them, I had to get the interpreter to
order ones in China that fit me well with an elastic waist.
July 1st I took the first of 3 days of 50ml bottles of herbal powder
to be mixed with water and drank each day for cancer that could be
elsewhere in body. It tasted fine, not bitter or anything, I felt
fine after drinking it.
July 2 received herbal oil rubbed on my belly below belly button
directly above bladder where the sub pubic catheter came out from
Hifu surgy, he then put a herbal patch over it for 24 hrs to help
release toxins from bladder, it felt nice and warm for hrs and hrs,
in the following days I received these on back over kidneys, on
chest center between nipples various times, sometimes left on for 48
hrs. These locations are acupuncture points.
July 3 he
inspected up my nostrils and said it looks normal now.
July 7
received my last day of the 15 day anti viral IV and received 2 more
50ml bottles of herbal powder, I believe he said these were slightly
different than the first 3 with stuff added for immune system and
detoxification. I took the first of these 2 July 8 and had some
weird dreams that night but was very tired the day before, and got
some perineum itch that he said was from bacteria being killed, he
gave cream for that worked great. The perineum is loaded with a
nerve bundle that runs toward the prostate. I also got a small rash
on each hip and some acne on body that he said was from the body
detoxification, it went away a week later. Said I had lots of toxins
in my body when I got to China.
July 9
had some sexual arousal sensations, a definite sign that things are
on the upswing. And my prostate swelling was down some. This day he
gave me a bag of 93 of the 50ml herbal powders to be mixed and drank
with water daily for 93 days.
July 10
Dr Song said my remaining 2 prostate nodules are getting smaller
now. I took the first bottle of the 93 herbal powders today. As my
body continued to detoxify some days I was very tired, the
detoxification is seen as cloudy urine in my sample jug. Some day’s
energy better but depending if I slept well.
July 13 received first 5 of ten boxes of small herbal beads/balls
for detoxification of stomach and intestines. The boxes have 6 bags
in them and you dump them in your mouth and swallow with water, I
was surprised how easy it was to swallow. These are to be taken 1 hr
before or after the herbal powder drink. On this day after the
prostate injection I did have a dribble of the herbal injection come
out the penis immediately after the injection…Dr Ivan said this a
good sign that the prostate passages are more clear of calcium and
blockages now. Back at the hotel I had a 5-7mm long red chunk pass
with urine, I sent them a pic.
July 16 Dr Song said my smaller nodule on right side of prostate was
almost gone now and the other on left side was much smaller now, and
said I will continue to see the calcium come out after I leave
July 18 urine control getting better and energy from detoxification
getting better. Jul 21 with be my last day of prostate injections. I
will fly home July 22.
The clinic interpreter Alisa Wang is very hard working and pleasant
and will help you with anything you ask, she has many, many
responsibilities so if she has a busy day just be patient. Alisa can
help your find places to dine etc. Her assistant Cindy is also very
pleasant and does the IV and does a very pain free insertion of IV…I
had many in Mexico and they were good at it too.
BEFORE you come to China download Express VPN on your phone and
computer if you wish to access Google, Face book and YouTube
otherwise the China firewall with not let you access it. You also
want to download on your phone “WeChat” app, its what everyone in
China uses instead of texting, you can send pics with it easily, if
you add money to it then you can pay for things like the bus, or
massage chair time at the airport, or cool drinks from vending
machines (these vending machines will only take WeChat payment…you
scan a barcode with your WeChat App). Also another MUST HAVE
APP…called “One Touch Voice Translator”…I sure wish I had it on my
phone from day one…you can speak to your phone in English and it
will translate it to Chinese in seconds, and the person speaking
Chinese can speak Chinese to your phone and it will translate it to
English in seconds(or pic whatever language you want), it was about
$12 US for one month…GET IT !!, the other MUST HAVE APP is “Document
translator in Touch”…with it you can take a pic of a menu or
document in Chinese and it will translate it to English…GET IT !! …I
tried some cheaper apps that did not work very good for translation.
If you like peanut butter bring it with you…I searched for days and
found it in the next city district and it was expired but I bought
it anyhow. There is many Bakeries near the clinic with fresh bread.
When I went to change my return flight date it cost me $900 keep
that in mind. After the power went out in my hotel one night for a
few hours I bought a small LED light as I did not want to depend on
the light on my phone. Hand Sanitizer is hard to find, bring some
with you. Carry baby wipes and toilet paper and your Hotel address
card (to show taxi driver) where ever you go some places don’t have
it in the washroom. I often took pics of a favorite restaurant sign,
I would show the taxi driver the pic when I wanted to go there. I
have never used a neck pillow on a flight but I will buy one for the
LONG flight home.
I met Americans here in China that were treated by Dr Song before
and came back for follow up work. They all had stories of how the
North America pathogen testing failed them at one point or another
and how things they had done to them in North America that didn’t
work or went wrong or caused other complications…Dr Song should be
your first choice!
Dr Song is very humble and pleasant and very knowledgeable about
various pathogens. Dr Ivan is the same. Both are very willing to
answer various questions daily when you have your daily discussion
before your daily injections, they really care about you. God bless
Dr Song and Dr Ivan his revolutionary prostate treatment TRULY IS A
GIFT FROM GOD!! for people with any urine flow, prostate cancer or
any prostate issue.
Video Link:
Mr.Kevin from Australia
Alder, aged 63, from Australia. I have just returned from China
where I spent 5 weeks at the 3D Urology Clinic in the city of
Xiangtan being treated for prostate cancer. Twelve months earlier, a
blood test revealed elevated PSA readings of 9.2 and then a month
later of 6.8. My doctor urged me to book an appointment with a
Urologist which I did. At that meeting he performed a DRE which he
said was benign, then printed out a statistical sheet which
estimated I had a 70% chance of cancer. He organised a follow up MRI
and biopsy, I just needed to give the OK. I felt rushed with this
meeting and was not impressed with his manner. I decided to give
myself some time to work out the best way forward and consequently
went on a a planned two month holiday to Victoria. Upon my return a
PSA test revealed 7.2 and so I booked an MRI to give an accurate
assessment of what was happening in my prostate. The result was two
tumors, both with a PIRADS score of 4, which is classified as
probably malignant. I discussed this result with another Urologist
whose method to determine the level of cancer was to biopsy the
prostate with up to 15 needles. That seemed overly invasive to me,
so I chose to have a fusion biopsy where only 4 needles were used to
grade my level of cancer. The result was a Gleason score of 7 which
is intermediate. In discussion with the surgeon who performed the
biopsy,he recommended surgery to remove my prostate. This option and
the possible side effects were not appealing and I came away from
the meeting feeling depressed. After many days and hours searching
the internet, investigating conventional and alternative treatments
for prostate cancer, the one that appealed to me most was Dr Song's
and this became my preferred choice for treatment. I contacted the
clinic and sent my MRI results, with positive feedback for a
successful outcome. Upon my arrival in China I was met at the
airport by Alisa Wang, the PR assistant from the clinic with whom I
had exchanged many informative and helpful emails. I was taken to my
hotel where I booked a room for the first week, however I ended up
staying there for the duration of my treatment for many reasons; the
clinic was across the road, not expensive, comfortable features and
breakfast daily. The first day I had blood tests and an ultrasound
which confirmed my MRI results and then after consultation with Dr
Song and other staff, I began my treatment. The daily atmosphere at
the clinic was friendly, relaxed and welcoming and it was great to
share with other men who were there for the same reason of restoring
their health. I was impressed with the knowledge and skill of Dr
Song and as time progressed it was evident the treatment was
working. This was confirmed by a final ultrasound which revealed no
sign of tumors. I was so excited to share this news with friends and
family and was eager to return to Australia, however before doing
so, I travelled to some of China's most famous tourist attractions.
Back home, I now have a renewed positive outlook regarding my health
and sincerely thank all the staff at the clinic
Mr. Barry from Australia
Okay, hello
I come from
Australia, my name is Barry.
I was diagnosed
with a prostate cancer, stage three, stage four.
I didn't like
that idea so I've turned around and looked on the Internet and I
found the 3D prostrate cure, and I canceled the operation and
booked in to come over here three weeks later.
That's a very
good choice, so I'll tell you about some of my notes.
The treatment
starts with the examination.
They check for
having the safe health.
They check the
prostate, they take a seminal vestibule fluids and they also test
for cancer and bacteria.
That's the
first thing that they do.
We then have a
comprehensive blood test which is taken about as soon as we can,
they take everything.
And they also
see if we have any viruses in the blood to.. Wednesday.
If I had any
viruses, if they find any viruses we turn around and we go for
another test at the top virus clinic in China here.
They test up to
20 viruses, and which is part of the course of the cancers we have
in our body, and our body health.
Media, and if
we are found to have a virus we're then put down for a 15 day virus
drip, and lack how we base this two hours a day.
That will.. You
might have a mixture of viruses, you might have two, so you'll have
that drip going down for the 15 days and that will clean everything.
In the meantime
I'm having the prostate injections with the natural anti-cancer
serum with anti-virus and also bacteria, that is also fighting that
as well.
So I'm getting
that, a trickle made.
The daily
condition from your drip is monitored by the nurse, she looks after
you so there's no problem there and your condition is monitored
daily by Doctor Song.
Doctor song
evaluates every patient as they come, everybody is different, and he
will answer any questions that you need.
And one thing
he's getting is the rectal examination to check your prostates
because they cause lesions between the prostate and the bowel.
And he is now
already treating 10 people here, which have been cured for cancer of
those lesions.
One person had
their prostatectomy, but the leftover was cancer in one of those
lesions, another one was treated by Doctor Song earlier but there's
still some cancer in the lesions so that was treating him, and now
he's here again.
So he's taking
care of cancer both.
While I was
here I had 21 treatments.
I've actually,
yeah, had 21 treatments and went in for another MRI and with the MRI
it showed actually no signs of cancer, no signs of bacteria, so I'm
very very happy about it.
And there's no
side effects, well a little bit of side effects, it gets sore after
a while, there's always the lesions, it's okay.
The hardest
part is changing your diet, so you have to get off coffee and
alcohol, little seafood and things like that so.
The Doctor has
also made, Doctor Song's made some concoction of natural herbs,
medicinal herbs to help my body adjust with everything to set itself
down, and it will probably take, I mean, 6 months for my body to be
able to restore back to normal, but even if it is back to normal, my
prostate is back to normal, so it's..
I'm very happy
with this outcome.
Doctor Song
made great reign.
Lisa has been
very good, she communicates with us and also organizes everything,
and she does her best.
And Doctor Ivan
has been here for to grow the opportune, they both help together.
So I'm very to
have gone with the 3D treatment, very convenient, I would recommend
Thank you.
Video Link:
Updated in May 2019:
2 years after the end of 3D treatment, the patient's tumor has
completely disappeared through a comprehensive review.
Tips: This
enthusiastic author is happy to help more patients, you can get his
contact information through our clinic.
Carnell Jackson from USA
Self-introduction of Disease History
1. My name is Carnell Jackson, I live and reside in Lywood,
California since July 10th, 1977. I was diagnosed as having prostate
cancer during a biopsy in the United State on November 22nd, 2017.
By the Pathology report, my bladder was not completely being emptied
during my restroom urination visits. I was also discovered by my
urologist of having a tumor on my prostate.
2. Disease treatment and experience and treatment at our 3D Urology
The disease treatment during my 5 weeks was from March 2, 2018 until
April 5th, 2018 was the best treatment and a very exceptional
experience that I have received being evaluated and treated by Dr.
Song and Dr. Ivan and this professional staff. I was treated
successfully and
satisfied with the best professional care that was performed by Dr.
Song’s expertise at his 3D Urology Clinic.
3. My assessment towards the clinic was that the work place facility
that I observed on a regular work day was that the work areas and
facilities were very clean and orderly and operating in a very clean
and sanitary environment and very maintained inside and outside. I
also observed a sanitation professional cleaning lady and cleaning
this facility on regular daily operating bases. I also observed
other sanitation operating procedures washing and sanitizing hands
after each patient’s visit station.
4. My assessment towards Dr. Song and his staff being observed
during my observation; they were all very knowledgeable and very
professional in performing their assigned duties. They were all very
responsive and answered any of my questions that was provided by me.
The whole staff also responded to all of my needs and any other
issues that was asked outside of the 3D clinic etc; Lodging
transportation to and from the hospital facility, restaurants, etc.
I would honestly rate this facility as a five (5) star as they will
actually go the extra mile to help you and your daily activity
schedule. This facility has a pleasant home environment.
5. My assessment towards China is that the people of this country
has a very good hospitality and a very warm welcome, friendly and
respectable environment. The people even help me in our
communication and conversation via cell phone and text message
translation. I also observed employees cleaning the hotels, streets,
and other businesses on a daily basis during the week.
6. Things I want to say:
Dr. Song
and Dr. Ivan and their staff on my own words:
I can openly and honestly say that Dr. Song’s staff made me feel and
treated me like I am family member. I was very relaxed and
comfortable and I felt like I was home away from home. I’m wishing
Dr. Song and his family all the truly blessing and his 3D Urology
Clinic that God continues to provide and guide you through the
education and expertise and continuing exploring other medical
technology and experiences on prostate health on people from all
over the world. I want to sincerely thank you for your hard work,
dedication, professionalism and kindness.
Respectfully submitted,
Prosper Adamaley from Ghna
My name is Prosper
Adamaley, a businessman from Ghna. I have had BPH for the past 10
years. It all started in June 2017 when following a routine medical
check-up in Gastonia, North Carolina, USA, I was diagnosed with an
elevated PSA of 9.68. A biopsy followed in Houston, Texas whereupon
it was confirmed that the apex of my prostate gland had 10% tumor
with a Gleason score of 3+3=6. Frantically, I started looking
for cost effective treatment options. This led to a pop up
advertisement touching 3D Urology Clinic in Xiangtan, Hunan
Province, China. Details of the 3D procedures, treatment and costs
that I read on their website was impressive, realistic and natural.
without side effects. I returned to Ghana in August to acquire a
Chinese travel visa and arrived in Xiangtan on 20th November 2017.
The administration of my prostate treatment involved 2 injections a
day over 18 days directly into the prostate. 3D Urology Clinic gave
me a list of the natural plants, minerals and herbs that were used
to produce the injections. After the 3 weeks treatment, my prostate
tumor was effectively eliminated and I received natural anti-cancer
tea consignment, to be consumed over the next 60 days to consolidate
the treatment.
However,the past biopsy had triggered
bleeding, infection, and thrombosis in the prostate and enlarging it
from 107mm in July 2017 to 300mm in November 2017. By January, 2018,
it was 360mm, worsening to 440mm in March 2018. By 15, December,
2018, 3D Urology Clinic had recommended that I should undergo laser
surgery on the lower bladder and the prostate to remove all dead
tissues, stop the bleeding and repair the prostate and turn it to
acceptable and functional size. The clinic arranged for this to be
done by Professor Zheng at the Xiangtan Hospital.
The tentative date fixed
for the laser surgery was 10th March, 2018. After the prostate tumor
treatment, I returned to Ghana on 20th December, 2017, renewed my
visa and returned to Xiangtan on 9th March, 2018 in the company of
my wife, Elise; for the laser surgery.
First, blood tests and ultrasound were conducted on me to ascertain
that the prostate tumor was eliminated and all other health
parameters were sound. Next day I was admitted into the Xiangtan
Hospital on Sunday, 11th March, 2018, where the blood test and
ultrasound were repeated to double check previous results.
Professor Zheng decided to proceed with the laser surgery on 12th
March, 2018.
This Laser Surgery is considered a miracle for a number of reasons.
1. The organ that received the laser treatment was a post-cancer
2. At 440mm, it was the largest prostate ever operated in China and
perhaps in the whole world.
3. Contrary to normal development after this type of surgery, I did
not develop urinary incontinence. On the third day, once off the
saline water I urinated in the first instance by himself under
personal muscular control; thus eliminating the need for diaper
(usual for 3-6 months after such surgeries).
4. I am a black African who had travelled a total of 15000 miles
from Ghana to receive this intervention in Xiangtan, China.
5. No other complications have arisen after the surgery andI have
not been placed on any medications; only to drink 2500ml of water
per day as natural therapy.
The 3D Urology Clinic is compact, neat, and focused on prostate
desease cure. Their diagnosis and prognosis are based on modern
medical science, historical Chinese and Oriental medicine. All their
medical information is sincere, detailed, open and verifiable. Their
prostate treatment are patient specific, and they deal with all
ancillary ailments. Their medical personnel are highly qualified,
Chinese government certified, highly trained, professional in work
ethic and well connected in the Chinese medical system. Above all,
they are very patient, friendly, analytical, flexible, and
China harnesses 5000 years of civilization to become people centered
today, in the medical care. With specific reference to prostate
care, treatments are done so that there are no side effects. Chinese
are very friendly, good listeners, diligent, hard working and handle
people of all races equally and fairly.
I give praise and glory to God Almighty for grating me, the vision,
wisdom, resources and location to tackle and cure my serious life
threatening ailment. Next, my appreciation to the 3D Urology Clinic
of Xiangtan and her health gurus of Dr. Song Xinping, ,Dr Ivan Haoyu
and Adm. Assitant Alisa Wang, for their dedication, organizational
ability and thrust for my treatments. And to Professor Zheng and his
surgical team and nurses in Xiangtan Hospital my speechless awe at
their professionalism and superhuman health delivery to my person. I
hope that the experience resulting from my treatment will inure to
the advantage of similar patients in future.
Long live Xiangtan, long
live China.
Mr. Prosper Adamaley, Xiangtan China.23 March 2018.